Thursday, September 15, 2011

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) - SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS - Psychology

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship

Conducted by University of Pune
Subject Subject
Code No.
13 Psychology

SET (Psychology) / 3
psychology_SET syllabus (03-09)
1. Perceptual Processes
Approaches to the Study of Perception : Gestalt and Physiological approaches
Perceptual Organization : Gestalt, Figure and Ground, Laws of Organization
Perceptual Constancy : Size, Shape and Brightness, Illusion; Perception of Depth and Movements
Role of motivation and learning in perception
2. Learning Process
Classical conditioning : Procedure, Phenomena and related issues
Instrumental learning : Phenomena, Paradigms and theoretical issues
Reinforcement : Basic variables and schedules
Verbal learning : Methods and materials, organizational processes
3. Memory and Forgetting
Memory Processes : Encoding storage Retrieval
Stages of memory : Sensory memory, Short-term Memory (STM) and Long-term Memory
Episodic and Semantic memory
Theories of Forgetting : Interference, decay, retrieval
4. Thinking and Problem Solving
Theories of thought processes : Associationism, Gestalt, Information processing
Concept formation : Rules and strategies
Reasoning : Deductive and inductive
Problem-solving : Types and strategies
Role of concepts in thinking
5. Motivation and Emotion
Basic motivational concepts : Instincts, needs, drives, incentives, motivational cycle
Approaches to the study of motivation : Psychoanalytical, ethological, S-R, Cognitive, humanistic
Biological Motives : Hunger,thirst, sleep and sex
SET (Psychology) / 4
psychology_SET syllabus (03-09)
Social Motives : Achievement, affiliation, approval
Exploratory behaviour and curiosity
Physiological correlates of emotions
Theories of emotions : James-Lange, Canon-Bard, Schachter and Singer
Conflicts : Sources and types
6. Human Abilities
Intelligence : Biological, Social, Eco-cultural determinants
Theories of intelligence : Spearman, Thurston, Guilford
Individual and group differences : Extent and causes
Measurement of human abilities
7. Personality
Determinants of personality : Biological and socio-cultural
Approaches to the study of personality : Psychoanalytic, neo-freudian, social learning, trait and
type, cognitive
personality assessment : Psychometric and projective tests
Self-concept : Origin and development
8. Research Methodology
Research problems, hypothesis, variables and their operationalization
Types of psychological research
Methods of psychological research : Experimental, Quasi-experimental. case studies. field
studies, and cross-cultural studies.
Methods of data collection : Observation, interview, questionnaire, tests and scales.
Non-parametric tests
9. Measurement and Testing
Test construction : Item writing, item-analysis
Test standardization : Reliability, validity and norms
Types of tests : Intelligence, aptitude, personality-characteristics and important examples
Attitude scales and interest inventories
Educational measurement and evaluation
10. Biological Basis of Behaviour
Receptors, effectors and adjuster mechanisms
Neural impulse : Origin, conduction and measurement
Sensory System : Vision and Audition
Human nervous system : Structure and functions
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Signal detection theory, subliminal perception and related factors, information processing
approach to perception, culture and perception, perceptual styles, Ecological perspective on
Learning theories : Hull, Tolman, Skinner
Cognitive approaches in learning : Latent learning, observational learning
Experimental analysis of behaviour : Behaviour modification, shaping
Discrimination learning
Neurophysiology of learning
Models of memory : Atkinson and Shiffrin, Craik and Lockhart, Tulving
Semantic memory : Episodic, trace model and network model
Long-term memory : Retrieval cues, flashbulb memory, constructive processes in memory,
eyewitness testimony, autobiographical memory
Biological basis of memory : The search for the engram, PET scan, and biochemical factors
in memory
Improving memory : Strategies
Cognitive strategies : Algorhythms and heuristics
Convergent and divergent thinking
Decision-making; impediments to problem-solving
Creative thinking and problem-solving
anguage and thought
Historical Antecedents of motivation from Mechanism to Cognition
Cognitive bases of motivation : Intrinsic motivation, Attribution, Competence
Measurement of motives : Issues and techniques
Cross-cultural perspectives of motivation : Achievement, Aggression
Components of emotion : Physiological, expressive and cognitive
Neural mechanism of emotion : Central and peripheral
Measurement of emotions : Physiological, expressive and cognitive measures
Current theories of emotions and facial feedback hypothesis
Stress and coping : Reactions to stress, outcomes of stress
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Theories of intelligence : Cattell, Jensen, Sternberg Goleman
Creativity : Views of Torrance, Getzels, Guilford
Intelligence and creativity : Relationship
Abilities and achievement : Concept and role of emotional intelligence
Clinical and growth approaches to personality
Existential and humanistic theories of personality : Frankl, Rollo May, Maslow, Rogers
Personality assessment : Projective, psychometric and behavioural measures
Psychology of self : Western and Eastern perspectives, measurement of self.
Research designs : Correlational, factorial randomized block matched group, quasiexperimental,
time series design
ANOVA : Randomized and repeated
Correlational analysis : Partial, multiple and regression analysis
Factor analysis : Assumptions, methods, rotation and interpretation
Psychological scaling : Purpose and methods
Sources of bias in psychological testing
Ethical issues in psychological testing
Application of factor analysis in standardzation of tests-with important illustrations
Methods of Physiological Psychology : Lesion and Brain Stimulation
Sleep and waking : Stages of sleep, Disorders of sleep, and Physiological mechannisms of
sleep and waking
Ingestive Behaviour : Drinking and its neural mechanism; hunger and its neural mechanism
Endocrine system : Chemical and glandular
Current trends in Social Psychology
Social cognition
Social influence
Prosocial behaviour
Anti-social behaviour
Applied social psychology : Health, Environment and Law
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Developmental processes : Nature, Principles and related
concepts-maturity, experience factors in development : Biogenic, Psychogenic and Sociogenic
Stages of Development : Theories of Development : Psychoanalytic, Behaviouristic and cognitive
Various aspects of development : Sensory-motor, cognitive, language, emotional, social and
Human development and individual differences
Motivation and learning
Factors in educational achievement
Social psychology of education
Teacher effectiveness
Guidance in schools : Needs organizational set up and techniques
Counselling : Process and areas
Development of industrial and organizational psychology
Selection processes in organization
Organizational training
Performance appraisal
Motivation and work
Work environment
Organizational behaviour : Theories, socialzation, effectiveness
Psychopathology : Concepts, classification and causes; clinical diagnostics
Common clinical disorders
Mental retardation
Mental Health : Intervention models and psychotherapies
1. Delayed conditioning is known as
(A) CS begins far before the US is presented
(B) CR gets established but it changes
(C) CS elicits the CR
(D) CS is more powerful than CR
2. Match the item of
List-I List-II
List-I with List-II
A. Needs 1. Mcdougall
B. Instincts 2. Allport
C. Sentiments 3. Murray
D. Traits 4. Freud
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(A) A B C D
4 1 2 3
(B) A B C D
3 4 1 2
(C) A B C D
2 1 3 4
(D) A B C D
1 3 4 2
3. Mohit is a young man who strives for excellence and feels satisfied when he can master a new
task. Mohit has need for
(A) Competence
(B) Power
(C) Approval
(D) Achievement

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) - SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS - Philosophy

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship

Conducted by University of Pune
Subject Subject Code No.
12 Philosophy
SET (Philosophy) / 3
philosophy_SET syllabus (03-09)
1. Classical Indian Philosophy
Vedic and Upanisadic world-views : Rta-the cosmic order, the divine and the human realms;
the centrality of the institution of yajna (sacrifice), the concept of rna-duty/obligation; theories of
Atman-Self (and not-self), jagrat, svapna, susupti and turiya, Brahman, sreyas and preyas
Karma, samsara, moksa
Carvaka : Pratyaksa as the only pramana, critique of anumana and sabda, rejection of non-material
entities and of dharma and moksa
Jainism : Concept of reality-sat, dravya, guna, paryaya, jiva, ajiva, anekantavada, syadvada and
nayavada; theory of knowledge; bondage and liberation
Buddhism : Four noble truths, astangamarga, nirvana, madhyam pratipad pratityasamutpada,
ksanabhangavada, anatmavada
Schools of Buddhism : Vaibhasika, Sautrantika, Yogacara and Madhyamika
Nyaya : Prama and aprama, pramanya and apramanya; pramana : pratyaks nirvikalpaka, savikalpaka,
laukika and alaukika; anumana : anayavyatireka lingaparamarsa, vyapti; classification : vyaptigrahopayas,
hetvabhasa upamana; sabda : Sakti, laksana, akanksa, yogyata, sannidhi and tatparya concept of
God. arguments for the existence of God, adrsta nihsryeasa
Vaisesika : Concepts of padartha, aravya, guna, karma, samanya, samavaya visesa, abhava,
causation : Asatkaryavada, samavayi, asamavayi nimitte karana, paramanuvada, adrsta,
Samkhya : Satkaryavada, prakrti and its evolutes, arguments for the existence of Prakrti, nature of
purusa, arguments for the existence and plurality of purusa relationship between purusa and prakrti,
kaivalya, atheism
Yoga : Patanjali’s concept of citta and citta-vrtti, eight-fold path of yoga the role of God in yoga
Sruti and its importance, atheism of purvamimamsa, classification of srutivakyas, vidhi, nisedha and
arthavada, dharma, bhavana sabdanityavada, jatisaktivada
Kumarila and Prabhakara Schools of mimamsa and their major points of difference, triputi-samvit,
jnatata, abhava and anupalabdh anvitabhidhanavada, abihitanvayavada
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Advaita-Rejection of difference : Adhyasa, maya, three grades of satta, jiva jivanmukti, vivartavada
Visistadvaita : Saguna, Brahman, refutation of maya, aprthaksiddh parinamavada, jiva, bhakti and
Dvaita-Rejection of nirguna brahman and maya, bheda and saksi, bhakti
2. Modern Indian Thinkers
Vivekananda-Practical vedanta, universal religion
Aurobindo-Evolution, mind and supermind, integral yoga
Iqbal-Self, God, man and superman
Tagore-Religion of man, ideas on education
K. C. Bhattacharyya-Concept of philosophy, subject as freedom, the doctrine of maya
Radhakrishnan-Intellect and intuition, the idealist view of life
J. Krishnamurti-Freedom from the known, analysis of self
Gandhi-Non-violence, satyagraha, swaraj, critique of modern civilization
Ambedkar-Varna and the caste system, Neo-Buddhism
3. Classical Western Philosophy
Early Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle
Ionians, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus and Democritus
The Sophists and Socrates
Plato-Theory of knowledge, knowledge (episteme) and opinion (doxa), theory of Ideas, the method
of dialectic, soul and God.
Aristotle-Classification of the sciences, the theoretical, the practical and the productive (theoria,
praxis, techne), logic as an organon, critique of Plato’s theory of Ideas, theory of causation, form and
matter, potentiality and actuality, soul and God
Medieval Philosophy
St. Augustine-Problem of evil
St. Anselm-Ontological argument
St. Thomas Aquinas-Faith and reason, essence and existence, the existence of God
4. Modern Western Philosophy
Descartes : Conception of method and the need for method in philosophy, clarity and distinctness
as the criterion of truth, doubt and methodological scepticism, the cogito-intuition or inference? innate
ideas, the ‘real’ distinction between mind and matter, role of God, proofs for the existence of God,
mind-body interactionalism
Spinoza : Substance, Attribute and Mode, the concept of ‘God or Nature’, the mind-body problem,
pantheism, three orders of knowing
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Leibniz : Monadology, truths of reason and truths of fact, innaleness of all ideas, proofs for the
existence of God, principles of non-contradiction, sufficient reason and identity of indiscernibles, the
doctrine of pre-established harmony, problem of freedom and philosophy
Locke : Ideas and their classification, refutation of innate ideas, theory of knowledge, three grades
of knowledge, theory of substance, distinction between primary and secondary qualities
Berkeley : Rejection of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, immaterialism,
critique of abstract ideas, esse est percipi, the problem of solipsism; God and self
Hume : Impressions and ideas, knowledge concerning relations of ideas and knowledge concerning
matters of fact, induction and causality, the external world and the self, personal identity, rejection
of metaphysics, scepticism, reason and the passions
Critical Philosophy and After
Kant : The critical philosophy, classification of judgements, possibility of synthetic a priori judgements,
the Copernican revolution, forms of sensibility, categories of understanding, the metaphysical and the
transcendental deduction of the categories, phenomenon and noumenon, the Ideas of Reason-soul,
God and world as a whole, freedom and immortality, rejection of specualative metaphysics
Hegel : The conception of Geist (spirit), the dialectical method, concepts of being, non-being and
becoming, absolute idealism
Nietzsche : Critique of western culture, will to power
Moore : Refutation of idealism, defence of commonsense, philosophy and analysis
Russell : Refutation of idealism, logic as the essence of philosophy, logical atomism
Wittgenstein : language and reality, facts and objects, names and propositions, the picture theory,
phiolosophy and language, meaning and use, forms of life
Husserl : The Husserlian method, intentionality
Heidegger : Being and nothingness, man as being-in-the-world, critique of technological civilization
Logical Positivism : The verifiability theory of meaning, the verification principle, rejection of metaphysics,
unity of science
C. S. Peirce and William James : Pragmatic theories of meaning and truth
G. Ryle : Systematically misleading expressions, category mistake, concept of mind, critique of
Cartesian dualism
Vy vah rika and P ran rthika Satt
Nitya and anitya Dravy
K ranat
k sa, Dik and K la
S m nya and Sambantha
Cit, Acit and tman
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Appearance and reality
Being and becoming
Causality, Space and Time
Matter, Mind and Self
Substance and Univesals
The problem of personal identity
Kinds of Pram nas
Khy tiv da
Pr m nyav da
Anvit bhidh nav da and Abhihit nvayav da
Definition of knowledge
Ways of knowing
Theories of error
Theories of truth
Belief and scepticism
Problem of induction
Concept of Pratyaksa in Ny ya
Concept of Pratyaksa in Buddhism
Concept of Pratyaksa in S mkara Ved nta
Nature and kinds of Anum na
Definition and Nature of Vy pti
Hetv bh sas
Rna and Rta
Purus rthas, Svadharma
Varnadharma and sramadharma
Nisk makarma and Lokasangraha
Panc sila and Triratnas
Brahmavih ras
SET (Philosophy) / 7
philosophy_SET syllabus (03-09)
Good, right, justice
Duty and obligation
Cardinal virtues
Freedom and responsibility
crime and punishment
Ethical cognitivism and non-cognitivism
Ethical realism and intuitionism
Kant’s moral theory
Kinds of utilitarianism
Human rights and social disparities
Truth and validity
Nature of propositions
Categorical syllogism
Laws of thought
Classification of propositions
Square of opposition
Truth-functions and propositional logic
Quantification and rules of quantification
decision procedures
Proving validity
Argument and argument-form
Axiomatic system, consistency, completeness
(Candidates will be expected to be familiar with the main tenets and practices of the following groups
of religions : (1) Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism; (2) Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity
and Islam; (3) tribal religions of India)
Possibility and need of comparative religion, commonality and differences among religions, the nature
of inter-religious dialogue and understanding, religious experience, modes of understanding the divine,
the theory of liberation, the means for attaining liberation, the God-man relation in religions, worldviews
(Weltanschaunngen) in religions, immortality, the doctrine of incarnation and prophethood,
religions hermeneutics, religion and moral social values, religion and secular society
SET (Philosophy) / 8
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General :
The linguistic turn and the conception of philosophy
Problems :
Semantics : Frege’s distinction between sense and reference, concepts and objects, related
problems and their proposed solutions : (a) identity, (b) negative existentials, (c) indirect speech,
(d) propositional attitudes, the meaning and role of singular terms : (a) Proper names, (b)
definite descriptions, (c) demonstratives and other indexicals; the relation between meaning and
truth, holistic and atomistic approach to meaning, what is a theory of meaning ?
Pragmatics : Meaning and use; speech acts
[The above problem areas require candidate’s familiarity with the works of Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein,
Austin, Quine, Strawson. Davidson, Dummett and Searle.]
[The purpose here is to assess the candidate’s acquaintence with the central concepts in phenomenology
and hermeneutics]
Phenomenology as an approach to the understanding of the human condition, consciousness and
intentionality, phenomenology and solipsism, the life-world (Lebenswelt), interpretation, understanding
and the human sciences, the idea of the text, conflict of interpretation and the possibilities of agreement,
culture, situatedness and interpretation
[This covers vendata philosophy with special reference to five main acharyas viz. Sankara, Ramanuja,
Madhava, Nimbarka and Vallabha, The purpose is to test the candidare’s acquaintence with vedanta
philosophy in its rich and divergent forms]
Sources, general features, similarities and differences, Brahman : Definition and interpretations, distinction
between saguna and nirguna and its relevance in the formation of different schools of vedanta, m y
: Its nature, agruments for and against m y tman : Its nature, relation between atm n and Brahman;
jiva; interpretation of m h v kyas, e.g. tat tvam asi, moksa : Nature and types, marga or s dhan ,
roles played by j na, karma and bhakti, different conceptions of bhakti, theories of causation,
Brahman as the cause different conceptions of bhakti, theories of causation, Brahman as the cause
of the world : Different interpretations, pram , pram nas, special role played by sabda pram na and
intuition (saksatkara/aparoksanubhuti), theories of khy tis
[The intention here is to explore the availability of Gandhian ideas in the central debates in philosophy]
Conceptions of knowledge, truth and love and their relationship, language, understanding and culture,
engagement with tradition, self, world and God. woman, sexuality and brahmacharya, moral foundations
of good life : Dharma. swaraj, satyagraha and ahimsa, community and fellowship; the good society :
statelessness, trusteeship, sarvodaya, panchayati raj, religion, tapasya, service, means-end relationship,
Gandhi and the Gandhians : break, continuity and innovation
SET (Philosophy) / 9
philosophy_SET syllabus (03-09)
1. Which of the following pairs is acceptable to the Carvaka ?
(A) Pratyaksa and Anumana
(B) Air and Water
(C) Fire and Ether
(D) Sabda and Anumna
2. The concept of manahparyaya pertains to
(A) Jain Metaphysics
(B) Jain Epistemology
(C) Buddhist Metaphysics
(D) Yoga Metaphysics
3. Identify the coherent combination
(A) atmavada madhyamapratipad, pratityasamutpada
(B) anatmavada, nityavada, madhyamapratipad
(C) madhyamapratipad, anatmavada, ksanikavada
(D) madhyamapratipad, nityavada, ksanikavada
For details visit :

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) - SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS- Economics

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship
Conducted by University of Pune
Subject Subject Code No.
11 Economics
SET (Economics) / 3
1. Micro-economic Analysis
Demand analysis-Marshallian, Hicksian and Revealed preference approaches
Theory of Production and Costs
Pricing and output under different forms of market structure
Factor Pricing analysis
Elements of general equilibrium and new welfare economics
2. Macro-economics Analysis
Determination of output and employment-Classical approach, Keynesian approach, Consumption
Demand for Money-Fisher and Cambridge versions, Approaches of Keynesian Friedman, Patinkin,
Baumol and tobin
Supply of Money, Determinants of money supply, High-powered money, Money multiplier
Phillips Curve analysis
Business cycles-Models of Samuelson, Hicks and Kaldor.
Macro-economic Equilibrium-Relative roles of monetary and fiscal policies
3. Development and Planning
Economic Growth, Economic Development and sustainable Development importance of institutions-
Government and markets-Perpetuation of underdevelopment-Vicious circle of poverty, circular
causation, structural view of underdevelopment-Measurement of development conventional, HDI and
quality of life indices
Theories of Development-Classical, Marx and Schumpeter; Economic Growth-Harrod-Domar model,
instability of equilibrium. Neoclassical growth-Solow’s model, steady state growth. Approaches to
development; Balanced growth critical minimum effort, big push, unlimited supply of labour, unbalanced
growth, low income equlibrium trap indicators and measurement of poverty
SET (Economics) / 4
economics_SET syllabus (03-09)
Importance of agriculture and industry in economic development-choice of techniques and appropriate
technology-investment criteria-Elementary idea of cost-benefit analysis.
Trade and Aid-International trade as engine of growth-Globalization and LDC’s
Objectives and role of monetary and fiscal policies in economic development Techniques of planning;
Plan Models in India; planning in a market-oriented economy
4. Public Finance
Role of the Government in Economics activity-Allocation, distribution and stabilization functions;
Private, Public and Merit goods
The Public Budgets-kinds of Budgets, Zero-base budgeting, different concepts of budget deficits;
Budgets of the Union Government in India
Public Expenditure-Hypotheses; effects and evaluation
Public Revenue-Different approaches to the division of tax burden, incidence and effects of taxation;
elasticity and buoyancy; taxable capacity
Public Debt-Sources, effects, burden and its management
Fiscal Federalism-Theory and problems; Problems of Centre-State Financial relations in India
Fiscal Policy-Neutral and compensatory and functional finance; balanced budget multiplier
5. International Economics
Theories of International Trade : Empirical verification and Relevance
International Trade under Imperfect competition
Terms of Trade and Economic Growth-Secular
Deterioration of Terms of Trade hypothesis-a critical review
Equilibrium/disequilibrium in Balance of Payment-Traditional, Absorption and Monetary approaches
for adjustment in the Balance of Payments, forign Trade multiplier
Impact of Tariffs, Partial and general equilibrium analysis; Political economy of Non-Tariff Barriers
Theory of regionalism at Global level-Collapse of Bretton-Wood System-Recent Monetary reforms
Trade Policy and Reforms in India
6. Indian Economy
Basic Economic indicators-National income, performance of different sectors Trends in prices and
money supply
Agriculture-Institutional and technological aspects, new agricultural policy
Industry-New industrial policy and liberalization
Money and banking-Concepts of money supply, inflation, monetary policy and financial sector reforms
Public finance-Trends in revenue and expenditures of the Central and State Governments, Public
debt; analysis of the Union Budget.
Foreign trade-Trends, Balance of payments and trade reforms
Poverty, unemployment, migration and environment
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7. Statistical Methods
Measures of Central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis
Elementary theory of probability-Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions
Simple correlation and regression analysis
Statistical inferences-Applications, sampling distributions (t, x2 and F tests), sampling of attributes,
testing of Hypothesis
Index numbers and time series analysis
Sampling and census methods, types of sampling and errors
Theory of Demand-Axiomatic approach, Demand functions, Consumer behaviour under conditions
of uncertainty
Theory of production
collusive and non-collusive oligopolies
Different models of objectives of the firm-Baumol, Morrts and Williamson
Factor pricing
General equilibrium and Welfare Economics
Keynesian and post-Keynesian approaches to theory of output and employment concept of investment
multiplier; consumption hypotheses
Theories of investment and accelerator
Theories of demand for money-Keynesian and post-Keynesian
Different approaches to money supply; money supply, components and determinants; money multiplier
Output-price determination (aggregate supply and aggregate demand curve analysis)
Fleming Mundell open economy model
Development and Growth-Role of institutions
Theories of growth and development-Models of growth of Joan Robinson and Kaldor; Technical
Progress-Hicks, Harrod and learning by doing, production function approach to the determinants of
growth : Endogenous growth : role of education, research and knowledge-explanation of cross
country differentials in economic development and growth.
Theories of development-Classical, Marx, Schumpeter and structural analysis of development-Imperfect
market paradigm, Lewis model of development, Ranis-Fei model, Dependency theory of development
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Factors in economy development-natural resources, population capital Human Resource Development
and infrastructure
Trade and development-trade as engine of growth, two-gap analysis, Prebisch, Singer and Myrdal
views; gains from trade and LDCs
Theories of taxation, types, incidence and effects
Theories of public expenditure-effects on savings, investment and growth
Burden of public debt
Union Finance-Trends in Revenue and Expenditure of the Government of India State finance-Trends
in Revenue and Expenditure of the State Governments
Public Debt-India’s Public debt since 1951-growth composition, ownership pattern and debt
Union-state Financial Relations-Horizontal and vertical imbalance the Finance Commissions
Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Reforms in India
Monetary approach and adjustment in the balance of payments
Regional blocs-multilateralism and world trading system
The Political Economy of imposition of non-tariff barriers
International trade under conditions of imperfect competition in goods market
Theory of International reserves
Optomum Currency Areas-Theory and impact in the developed and developing countries
WTO and its impact on the different sectors of the economy
Components of money supply
Role, constituents and functions of money and capital markets
RBI-recent monetary and credit policies
Commercial banks and cooperative banks
Specialized financial and investment institutions
Non-Bank financial institutions and Regional Rural Banks
Industrial structure and economic growth
Pattern of industrialization-Public and Private, large and small industries
Theories of Industrial location-indian experience
Industrial productivity-measurement, partial and total trends
Industrial Finance in India
Industrial Labour-Problems, policies and reforms in India
Economic Reforms and industrial growth
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Population and Economic development-interrelation between population development and environment,
sustainable development
Malthusian theory of population, optimum theory of population, theory of demographic transition,
population as Limits to Growth and as Ultimate Source
Concepts of Demography-Vital rates. life tables, composition and uses, Measurement of fertility-
Total fertility rate, gross and net reproduction rate-Age pyranmids population projection-stable
stationary and quasi-stationary population, characteristics of Indian population through recent census
Poverty in India Ansolute and relative analysis of poverty in India
Environment as necessity-amenity and public good; causes of environmental and ecosystem
degeneration-policies for controlling pollution-economic and persuasive their relative effectiveness in
LDCs; Relation between population poverty and environmental degradation-microplanning for
environment and eco-preservation-water sheds, joint forest management and self-help groups Role
of State in environmental preservation-Review of environmental legislation in India
Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy-Share of Agriculture, interrelationship between agriculture and
Institutional aspects-Land reforms, Green revolution
Technological aspects-Agricultural inputs an shifts in production function
Capital formation in the rural sector-Savings, assets and credits
Strategies for rural development
Regional disparities in Indian agriculture
Cooperative movement in India-Organization, structure and development of different types of cooprative
in India
Application of Differential and Integral Calculus in theories of consumer behaviour, Production and
pricing under different market conditions
Input-output analysis and liner programming
Application of Correlation and Regression
Testing of Hypothesis in Regression Analysis
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Single Equation Linear Model :
Assumption and properties of OLS
Multiple Regression Model-Extimation and Interpretation
Multi-collinearily-Auto-correlation and heteroscedasticity-Causes, detection, consequences and
Dummy variables, distributed lags-Need, limitations and interpretation
Applications in Economics
Simultanecous Equation models :
Structural and reduced forms
Endogenous and exogenous variables
Identification problems and conditions
Single equation methods of estimations-TSLS, indirect least squares and least various ratio
Techniques of Forecasting :
Econometric properties of time series, Unit root, integrated series, random walk and
white noise
Theory of Consumer Behaviour and Theory of Firms
Theory of Pricing-Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Duoploy and Oligopoly
Theory of Games-Two-person, Zero-sum Game, Pure and Mixed strategy, Saddle point solution,
Linear programming and input output analysis
Static and Dynamic Multiplier and Accelerator, Samuelson-Hicks trade cycle model. Growth Models-
Harrod and Domar, Neoclassical models-Solow, Meade, Kaldor’s Model with technological progress,
endogenous growth models Employment and output determination with fixed and flexible prices
(IS-LM, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis)
The Rise and fall of Bretton Wood and emerging International Monetary System.
World Trading System—Evolution and Distortions.
Globalization—Developments in Exchange Markets. Euro–Currency Markets, and
International Bond Markets, International Debt crists
Theory of Foreign Exchange Markets–Exchange Trading, Arbitrage and Market Headging
SET (Economics) / 9
economics_SET syllabus (03-09)
Growth and Productivity trends in Indian Agriculture
Development of distributive Institutions—Costs and price policies
Agricultural marketing and credit
Trends in migration and labour markets. Minimum Wages Act
WTO and sustainable agricultural development
Reforms in Indian agriculture
Planning and Economic Development
Costs, Prices, WTO and Indian Agriculture
Globalization, Liberalization and the Indian Industrial Sector
Infrastructure and Economic Development
Social Sector, Poverty and Reforms in India
Women, Environment and Economic development
Trade Reforms and Liberlization
Financial sector reforms
Fiscal policy and fiscal reforms
1. During the year June 1980 to June 1981 money supply with the public (M1) in
India has increased by
(A) above 30 percent
(B) above 20 percent but below 30 percent
(C) above 10 percent but below 20 percent
(D) below 10 percent
2. The Indian economist with whom the CES production function is associated is
(A) B. S. Minhas
(B) A. K. Sen
(C) T. N. Srinivasan
(D) V. K. R. V. Rao
For details visit :

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) - SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS- History

Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007
Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) for Lectureship
Conducted by University of Pune
Subject Subject Code No. 10 History
Bharatvarsha Kara/Vishti
Sabha and Samiti Stridhana
Varnasrama Memorial stones
Purusharthas Agraharas
Rina Khilafat
Samskaras Sulh-i-kul
Yajna Maharashtra-dharma
Doctrine of Karma Turkan-i-Chahlghani
Dandaniti/Arthasastra Watan
Saptanga Baluta
Dharmavijaya Iqta
Stupa/Chaitya Jizyah
Nagara/Dravida/Vesara Madad -i-maash
Bodhisattva/Tirthankara Amaram
Alvars/Nayanars Raya-Rekho
Sreni Jangama
Chauth Dyarchy
Hundi (Bills of Exchange) Federalism
Sarraf Utilitarianism
Polygars Filtration Theory
Jagir Forward Policy
Dastur Doctrine of Lapse
Mansab (Rank) Satyagraha
Deshmukh Swadeshi
Nadu Revivalism
Pargana Communalism
Bengal Vaishnavism Orientalism
Alt magha De-industrialization
Shahna-i-Mandi Subsidiary Alliance
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Mercantilism Evangelicalism
Economic Nationalism Bhudan
Indian Renaissance Panchsheel
Economic Drain Mixed Economy
Colonialism Indian Left
Paramountcy Hindu Code Bill
Sources :
Archaeological Sources
Exploration, excavation epigraphy, numismatics, monuments.
Literary Sources
Indigenous : Primary and Secondary-problems of dating, myths, legends, poetry, scientific
literature, literature in regional languages, religious literature.
Foreign accounts : Greek, Chinese and Arab writers.
Pre-history and Proto-history
Man and Environment-geographical factors. Hunting and gathering (Paleolithic and
Mesolithic); Beginning of agriculture (Neolithic and Chalcolithic).
Indus Valley Civilization-origin, date, extent, characteristics, decline, survival and
Iron age, Second urbanization.
Vedic Period :
Migrations and settlements; dating the Vedic, literary and archaeological evidences,
evolution of social and political institutions religious and philosophical ideas, rituals and
Period of Mahajanapadas
Formation of States (Mahajanapadas) : Republics and Monarchies; rise of urban centres; trade
routes; economic growth; introduction of coinage; spread of Jainism and Buddhism; rise of
Magadha and Nandas.
Iranian and Macedonian invasions and their impact.
Mauryan Empire
Foundation of the Mauryan Empire. Chandragupta, Kautilya and Arthashastra; Ashoka;
Concept of Dharma; Edicts; Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts.
Administration economy; architecture and sculpture, external contacts. Disintegration of the
empire; Sungas and Kanvas.
Post-Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas)
Contact with outside world; growth of urban centres, economy, coinage, development of
religions Mahayana, social conditions, art and architecture, literature and science.
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Early state and society-in Eastern India, Deccan and South India
Kharavela, The Satavahanas. Tamil States of the Sangam Age. Administration; economy.
land grants, coinage, trade guilds and urban centres. Buddhist centres, Sangam literature
and culture; art and architecture.
Imperial Guptas and Regional States of India
Guptas and Vakatakas, Harsha. Administration, economic conditions. coinage of the Guptas,
land grants, decline of urban centres. Indian feudalism, caste system, position of women,
education and educational institutions-Nalanda. Vikramshila and Vallabhi, contact with
neighbouring countries-Central Asia, South-East Asia and China. Sanskrit literature,
scientific literature, art and architecture.
The Kadambas. Gangas, Pallavas and Chalukyas of Badami-Administration trade guilds,
Sanskrit literature and growth of regional languages and scripts; growth of Vaishnava and
Saiva religions. Tamil Bhakti Movement. Shankaracharya-Vedanta; Institutions of temple
and temple architecture.
Varmanas of Kamrup; Palas and Senas, Rashtrakutas, Prathiharas Kalachuri-Chedis;
Paramaras; Chalukyas of Gujarat; Arab contacts-Ghaznavi Conquest alberuni.
The Chalukyas of Kaiyana, Cholas, Cheras, Hoysalas, Pandyas-Administration and local
Government, growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of temple and
Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, economy and society, contact with Sri Lanka
and South-East Asia.
Sources :
Archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic materials and monuments.
Literary sources-Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages.
Archival materials.
Foreign traveller’s accounts.
Political Developments
The Sultanate-the Ghorids, the Turks, the Khaljis, the Tughluqs, the Sayyids and the
Foundation of the Mughal Empire-Babur, Humayun and the Suris; expansion from Akbar
to Aurangzeb.
Decline of the Mughal empire-political, administrative and economic causes.
Later Mughals and disintegration of the Mughal empire.
The Vijayanagara and the Bahmanis-rise, expansion and disintegration.
The Maratha movement, the foundation of Swaraj by Shivaji; its expansion under the
Peshwas; Maratha Confederacy-causes of decline.
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Administration under the Sultanate-civil, judicial, revenue, fiscal and military.
Sher Shah’s administrative reforms; Mughal administration-land revenue and other sources
of income; Mansabdari and Jagirdari.
Administrative system in the Deccan-the Vijayanagara. The Bahmanis and the Marathas.
Economic Aspects
Agricultural production-village economy; peasantry.
Urban centres and population.
Industries-cotton textiles, handicrafts, agro-based industries, organisation, karkhanas,
Trade and commerce-State policies, internal and external trade; European trade, trade
centres and ports, transport and communication. Financing trade, commerce and industries;
Hundi (Bills of Exchange) and Insurance.
Socio-religious Movements
The Sufis-their orders, beliefs and practices, the leading Sufi saints. Bhakti cult-Shaivism
and its branches : Vaishnavism and its branches. The Saints of the medieval period-north
and south-their impact on socio-political and religious life.
The Sikh movement-Guru Nanak Dev and his teachings and practices. Adi Granth; the
Classification-ruling class, major religious groups, the mercantile and professional classes.
Rural society-petty chieftains, village officials, cultivators and non-cultivating classes,
Position of women
Cultural Life
System of Educational and its motivations.
Literature-Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages.
Fine Arts-major schools of painting; music.
Architectural developments of the North and South India; Indo-Islamic architecture.
Sources and Historiography :
Archival materials, biographies and memories, newspapers.
Oral evidence, creative literature and painting.
Concerns in Modern Indian Historiography-Imperialist, Nationalist.
Marxist and Subaltern.
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Rise of British Power
European traders in India in the 17th and 18th centuries-Portuguese, Dutch, French and
the British.
The establishment and expansion of British dominion in India.
British relations with and subjugation of the principal Indian Powers-Bengal. Oudh,
Hyderabad, Mysore, Marathas and the Sikhs.
Administration of the Company and Crown
Evolution of central and provincial structure under the East India Company, 1773-1853.
Paramountacy, Civil Service, Judiciary, Police and the Army under the Company and
Local self-Government.
Constitutional changes, 1909-1935.
Economic History
Changing composition, volume and direction of trade : ‘The Tribute’.
Expansion and commercialisation of agriculture, land rights, land settlements, rural
indebtdness, landless labour.
Decline of industries-changing socio-economic conditions of artisans; De-urbanisation.
British Industrial Policy : major modern industries; nature of factory legislation; labour
and trade union movements.
Monetary policy; banking currency and exchange. Railways and Road Transport.
Growth of new urban centres; new features of town planning and architecture.
Famines and epidemics and the government policy.
Economic Thought-English utilitarians; Indian economic historians; the Drain theory.
Indian Society in Transition
Contact with Christianity-the Missions; critique of Indian social and economic practices
and religious beliefs; educational and other activities.
The New Education-government policy; levels and contents; English language; modern science;
Indian initiatives in education.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy : socio-religious reforms; emergence of middle class; caste
associations and caste mobility.
Women’s Question-Nationalist Discourse : Women’s Organisations; British legislation
concerning women : Constitutional position.
The Printing Press-journalistic activity and the public opinion.
Modernisation of Indian languages and literary forms-reorientation in painting music and
performing arts.
National Movement
Rise of Indian nationalism, social and economic bases of nationalism.
Revolt of 1857 and different social classes.
Tribal and peasant movements.
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Ideologies and programmes of the Indian National Congress, 1885-1920.
Trends in Swadeshi movement.
Ideologies and programmes of Indian revolutionaries in India and abroad.
Gandhian Mass Movement.
Ideology and programme of the Justice Party.
Left Wing Politics.
Movement of the Depressed classes.
Communal politics and genesis of Pakistan.
Towards Independence and Partition.
India after independence (1947-1964)
Rehabilitation after Partition.
Integration of the Indian States; The Kashmir Question.
The making of the Indian Constitution.
The structure of Bureaucracy and the Police.
The demographic trends.
Economic policies and the planning process.
Linguistic reorganisation of States.
Foreign policy initiatives.
World History : Concepts, Ideas and Terms
Pre-history Humanism
Burial Practices Enlightened Despotism
Mother-Goddess Divine Right
Law codes Supremacy of Church
Athenian Democracy Holy Roman Empire
Imperial Rome Social Contract and General Will
Slavery Nation States
Aristocracy Renaissance
Confucianism Reformation
Manorial system Darwinism
Black Death Great Depression (1929)
Feudalism Feminism
Parliamentary Democracy
Balance of Power
Rights of Man
Cold War
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Research in History
Scope and value of History
Objectivity and Bias in History
History and its auxiliary sciences
Area of research-proposed
Sources-Primary/secondary in the proposed area of research
Modern Historical Writing in the researcher’s area of research
From the Indus Valley Civilization to the Mahajanapadas
Age, extent and characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Vedic culture-Early and Late-Geography : Social and Political institutions, Economic
conditions, Religious and Philosophical ideas.
Mahajanapadas, Republics, Economic growth-Emergence of Jainism and Buddhism-Rise
of Magadha-Macedonian invasion and its effects.
History of India from 4th century BC to 3rd century AD
Foundation of the Mauryan Empire-Chandragupta, Ashoka and his Dharma. Mauryan
administration, Economy, Art and Architecture, Disintegration of the Mauryan empire.
Sangam Age.
Sungas, Satavahanas and Kushanas : Administration, religion, society, economy, trade
and commerce, culture-Art and Architecture, Literature.
India from the 4th century AD to 12th century AD
Gupta-Vakataka age-Harsh Pallavas-Early. Chalukyas-Rashtrakutas.
Cholas-Pratiharas Palas-A brief survey of the history of the Paramaras, Kalachuris,
Gahadavalas and Chauhans-Administration.
Feudalism, Society, Position of Women, Educational centres, Economy.
Religious trends, styles of temple architecture, art, Literature, An outline of scientific and
technological developments.
India’s contacts with the outside world.
India from 1206 to 1526
Expansion and Consolidation-The Ghorids. The Turks, The Khaljis.
The Tughlaqs, The Sayyids and the Lodis.
Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdoms.
State and Religion-Concept of sovereignty, religious movements and Sufism.
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Economic Aspects-Urban Centres, Industries, Trade and Commerce, Land Revenue and
Mongol problem and its impact.
Administrative structure.
Art. Architecture and literature.
Sources-Archaeological, Persian and non Persian literature, Foreign travellers account.
India from 1526 onward
Sources of Mughal period.
Mughal Expansion and Consolidation-Babur’s establishment of Mughal rule in India :
Humayun and Surs : Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb.
Mughal relations with the nobility and the Rajputs.
Jahangir-the period of stability and expansion 1611-1621; the period of crises 1622-1627-
The Nurjahan Junta.
Decline of Mughal Empire : Political, administrative and economic causes.
The Maratha Movement, the foundation of Swarajya by Shivaji its expansion and
administration, Maratha Confederacy and causes of decline.
Administration : Sher Shah’s administrative reforms, Mughal administration, land revenue
and other sources of income, Mansabdari and Jagirdari.
Socio-economic and cultural life under the Mughals
Village society and economy.
Art, architecture and literature.
Trade and Commerce.
Religious policy from Akbar to Aurangzeb.
Urban centres and Industries.
Position of women.
Foundation of the British Rule
Rise of European powers-Expansion and Consolidation of the British rule.
British relations with major Indian powers-Bengal, Oudh, Hyderabad, Mysore.
Marathas and Sikhs.
Administration under the East India Company and Crown. Paramountacy Civil Service,
Judiciary, Police and Army.
Local Self government, Constitutional Development from 1909 to 1935.
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Economic and Social Policies
Agrarian policy of the British, Land Revenue, Agriculture and Land Rights. Famine
policy, Rural indebtedness.
Policy towards trade and industries. Condition of Labour, Trade Union Movements, Factory
Legislation. Banking, Transport, Drain Theory.
Indian Society in transition. Christian missions, Socio-religious reform movements, Status
of women.
New educational policy, English language, Modern sciences, Press, Indian languages and
National Movement and Post-Independent India
Rise of nationalism, Revolt of 1857, Tribal and Peasant Movements, Ideologies and
Programmes of Indian National Congress, Swadeshi Movement. Indian Revolutionary
Movement in India and Abroad.
Gandhian Mass Movements, Ideologies and Programmes of the Justice Party, Left wing
politics, Movement of the depressed classes. Genesis of Pakistan, India towards
Independence and Partition.
India after independence, Rehabilitation after partition, Integration of Indian States, the Kashmir
Making of the Indian Constitution, Structure of Bureaucracy and the police. Economic
policies and the planning process. Linguisitic reorganisation of the States, foreign policy
Unit—X (A)
World History-Concepts, Ideas and Terms
Renaissance, Reformation
Enlightenment, Rights of Man
Parliamentary Democracy
Efforts at World Peace, Cold War
Unit—X (B)
Research in History
Scope and Importance of History
Objectivity and Bias in History
Cousation in History
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History and its auxiliary sciences
Significance of Regional History
Recent trends of Indian History
Research Methodology
Area of Proposed Research
Sources-Primary/Secondary in the Proposed area of Research.
Recent Historical writings in the Proposed area of research.
Elective-I : Ancient Indian History
Stone-Age Cultures of India.
Origin, date, extent and characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Evolution of social and political institutions in the Vedic period.
Economic and religious developments in 6th century BC.
Sources of Mauryan history-Megasthenes, Kautilya, Asokan edicts and Simhalese Chronieles.
Economy and trade during 2nd century BC-3rd century AD-Schools of art-Development of
Stupa and Chaitya architecture.
Assessment of the Gupta Age.
Ancient Indian Republics-History of Local Self-government in India.
Indian feudalism.
Indian contacts with the outside world in the ancient period.
Contribution of Sankara and Ramanuja to religion and philosophy.
Elective-II : Medieval Indian History
Sources on Medieval Indian History.
North-West frontier and Deccan Policy of the Mughals.
Society and Economy during Medieval period.
Religion, Art, Architecture and Literature during Medieval period.
Urban Economy, Trade and Commerce during Medieval period.
Legacy of the Mughals.
18th Century Debate.
Significance of Regional History.
Elective-III : Modern Indian History
The Establishment and Expansion of the British Dominion in India.
Constitutional Development from 1858 to 1935.
The British Agrarian Policies.
The Relief Measures adopted by the British.
Education and Social Reforms Under the British.
Socio-religious Reforms Movements in the 19th century.
Rise of Nationalism and the Indian National Congress.
The Gandhian Era.
Towards Independence and Partition.
The Making of the Indian Constitution and its working.
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1. Who among the following constructed the Moti Musjid at Agra ?
(A) Akbar
(B) Jahangir
(C) Shahjahan
(D) Aurangzeb
2. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List-I List-II
(Authors) (Patrons)
A. Banbhatta 1. Harsha
B. Hemadri 2. Govinda Chandra
C. Lakshmidhara 3. Mahadeva
D. Rajasekhara 4. Mahendrapale
Codes :
(a) A B C D
1 2 3 4
(b) A B C D
2 1 4 3
(c) A B C D
4 2 3 1
(d) A B C D
3 4 1 2
For details visit :